13 Moons: A Year in the Temple
A Year-long Soul Journey for Women to Build Courage, Wisdom and Clarity to Step forward into Sacred Leadership
March 2025 – February 2026
Guides: Jonah Ruh Roberts ‘Raven’ and Katherine Allen ‘KaDi’
We continue to be emerging from a culture founded on rape and domination of the earth, indigenous peoples and the feminine. It is this untempered, adolescent, ego-centric masculine that has brought us to this point of eco-degradation, abandon of care for the web of life, for the water, for the future generations. Vision after vision has shaped me to devote my life to nurturing women back out from hiding. Yes, we need healing and wholing for the masculine, yes we need healing and wholing for people of color, yes we need to protect what indigenous cultures are left, yes we need activists protecting the still wild places. There is so much to devote to in this Great Turning and a place for all with heart to lean in. My place is in the temple remembering women to Gaia, to their voice, to their power and to their medicine.
I am appalled that young women are still being unprotected, untended, untaught about the beauty and gifts of the feminine during adolescence. I grieve seeing the self doubt, isolation, overwhelm and unnurtured soul beauty in so many women when I see how it could be. I see the depth and richness of the web of women tending the hearth, the maidens delighting the children, the mothers turning the very wheel of life at the center of community, the wild women shedding their roles and walking in communion with the forest and mystery, the medicine women bringing soul food to her people and the crone holding the pillar of the worlds in view and the keel of her people steady between the ancients and the future ones. There is so much to reknit, remember, unearth. And we develop trust, courage, and vision to find our place in the cloth through following our heart on the soul journey.
The Soul Journey is long and arduous, with dark stretches through rubble and bones, and rapturous ascents when the epic landscapes traversed, and the awesome patterns of the Great Tapestry come into view.
I am devoted to supporting the soul journey for women and reweaving the web of sacred culture.

13 Moons is year-long journey to free ourselves from the bounds of colonization by the patriarchy. It is to love and witness ourselves back into wholeness. It is to clear our temples of the voices, beliefs and narratives that are not ours to carry anymore and to reconsecrate our temples to soul.
This is a journey to clear any shame and self objectification of our bodies, our sensuality, our sexuality and reclaim sovereignty in our creative power. It is a journey to rewhole the fragments of our authenticity that society did not accept or encourage when we were young. It is to reclaim our gifts from the shadow and unfurl in our wholeness. This is a journey to enter the mysteries and court soul- for our medicine gifts for the world to be uncovered. It is to see and traverse together the exquisite beauty of the journey of life, of the rhythms of Gaia and the aliveness of the unseen. It is to touch the truth below all that is on the surface and enact a rite of passage into the next stage of your journey of becoming.
Through ceremony, council, journey, wanders in the forest, dance, deep tracking and reflection we spiral together through the archetypes of the wheel of the year, the cycle of the moon and the life of woman in a vessel of deep sisterhood.
Are you longing to journey with beautiful courageous sisters to find your voice and awaken the passion and power to live your gifts into the world?
Are you longing to dive deep into Mystery to enter the liminal veil between the seen and the unseen to look into your soul mirror to see who you truly are?
Are you longing to come home to deep loving reciprocity with Earth and her precious web of life?
Are you longing to free yourself from colonization by the dominance, patriarchal culture, and experience the exquisite beauty, power and life-force of the divine feminine?
Do you know in your bones that you are an agent of cultural regeneration?
Then join us. The journey begins March 21, 2025

The Journey
Spring Equinox – Child of Promise
Entering the Temple and Awakening the Child Within
Here we re-member ourselves into the natural order of things, the rhythms, Earth, sisterhood, the sacred. We open our hearts to accessing the pure and luminous potential of All Possibility that is below any wounds, conditioning or trauma we have experienced. We remember the temple, the reflection of the sacred feminine, the Goddess. We come home to Gaia as Mother, resource, home.
Beltane – Maiden
Foundation – Restoring Self Honor
Here we begin the work of restoring self love, self care, self trust, boundaries and discernment that in a healthy culture guided by strong women we would have been raised with. We begin the work of healing and wholing the Maiden. We open our voices and expose the wounds of the patriarchal colonization of young women. We begin to clear and reconsecrate our personal temple.
Summer Solstice – Shakti
Awakening the Sensual Muse
Here we unlock our mystical and physical sensuality to feel the exquisite gorgeousness of our life giving, love making, creative potential. We access Gaian eros to reconnect our kundalini with the kundalini of Gaia. We release the objectification of our bodies, shame and the colonization of our sexuality, wombs and creational powers. We come home to a belonging in our bodies as intrinsically and orgasmically belonging to Earth.
Lughnasadh – Mother
Sourcing in the Compassion of the Mother
Here we allow ourselves to be held in the deepest compassionate love to melt away self limiting inner voices and deepen our capacity to resource ourselves. We access our divine mother to know unconditional love, self compassion and tender inner generative guidance so that we can track internal constrictions- the inner critic, lion tamer, victim, conformist- that can keep us from following our heart and living from strength and wholeness. Here we learn how to love these wounded parts and rewrite the subconscious patterns that limit us.
Fall Equinox – Wild Woman
Entering the Mystery
Here we begin our descent into the underworld, to walk beyond the village walls, to become available to Mystery to show us who we truly are. This usually entails a massive shed of conformity, of roles and ways we previously showed up in society. This is the time we walk in two worlds, deepening trust in the unseen, in dreams, in soul. Here we court the Muse, we look into the shadow, we collect bones, we molt.
Samhain – Medicine Woman
Gifts from the Dark
Here we continue our descent by deepening our roots into the rivers of our ancestors to receive a deeper wisdom and knowing of the particular medicine we carry in our bones. We continue to make ourselves available to Mystery, to deep time, to the future ones, seeing the dominant culture from outside the village. If we are ripe and are in this stage of life, we may receive a vision that becomes our gift for our people.
Winter Solstice – Crone
Turning Experience into Wisdom
Here the sacred rhythms, learnings and findings of the year integrate while sitting before Crone. Here turns experience into wisdom, letting a metamorphosis happen in our depths. Soon we feel a ceremony want to emerge- a ceremony of shedding, of shapeshifting, of claiming. Here we receive a taste of the medicine of Crone, the wisdom keeper who holds the keel and sacred keys of her culture and walks the long road in devotion and integrity.
Imbolc – Threshold Crossing
Enacting a Rite of Passage
Here we raise the temple, each of us as priestesses serving each other and enacting our own Rites of Passage. Whatever stage of life you are in, you design and enact a ceremony to claim and make visible the truths that are ready to emerge.
The times for new vision and living our truth are here. We cannot afford to wait for a beautiful culture to be created for us. We must be the change we seek in the world. What are we creating? How are we living? What seeds of culture, reverence and knowledge are we planting now for the future ones?

The 13 Moons Immersion meets for 8 weekends over the course of one year from March to February. Weekends are 5pm Friday – 5pm Sunday with 3 three day gatherings (5pm Thursday to 5pm Sunday).
Our gatherings include teachings, council, journey, ceremony, dance, forest time and crafting of several sacred tools.
In addition, we will have:
11 online new moon circles to continue our weaving between gatherings.
6 private mentoring calls with Raven and/or KaDi.
2 online integration circles after our final ceremony.
The opportunity to join the Coven.
Exchange: $4000
Early-Bird: $3750 (Deposit in by Feb 28th, 2025)
Monthly or quarterly payment plans.
3 partial worktrade spots available. Inquire to learn more.
This is an intense journey not for the feint of heart.
It is a path for those committed to accessing and empowering soul and it requires a good amount of time to practice and gain personal experience between sessions. Expect to devote at least 2 hours a week to your practice.
It requires a commitment to attend every weekend no matter what else arises during the year. That being said, if you have a pre-commitment that requires that you miss a weekend, we do honor that.
This is a sacred contract with your soul and with the circle. And we ask you to acknowledge this commitment before you are accepted into the program.
2025 Dates
Spring Equinox: March 21-23
Beltane: May 1-4 (Thursday 5pm – Sunday 5pm)
Summer Solstice: June 13-15
Lughnasadh: July 18-20
Fall Equinox: Sept 11-14 (Thursday 5pm – Sunday 5pm)
Samhain: Oct 24-26
Winter Solstice: Dec 12-14
Imbolc: Jan 29 – Feb 1, 2026 (Thursday 5pm – Sunday 5pm)
Summer Dates will be held in the Herb Gardens and Sanctuary of Unity Mountain Herbs in Unity, NH.
Winter Dates will be held at the Orchard Hill community house in Alstead, NH.
Limited to 13 Women.
Registration for the 2025 circle is now open.
How to apply: Submit an application OR hop on a 45 minute vision call with us to feel into if this is the journey for you.

“I have never felt so safely held and welcomed in all aspects of myself, nor have I encountered teachers who I’ve resonated more deeply with. I am so incredibly grateful that past me chose to say yes to this and I feel completely blessed for this unique and life changing experience..”
– Gabby C.

“This is a life changing experience! If you’re looking for a safe container to do some deep soul work, build a community with sisters, be in a safe place where you can share and witness others sharing, deconstruct harmful societal conditioning, and cultivate relationship with self and nature then this is the place for you!! It is a place to discover your own magic, your medicine and be part of witnessing others discover and cultivate theirs as well. It is the ultimate place for so much support and love and growth. There are not many places where we in this society can tap into the wisdom of our elders so if you get a chance to join a circle like this, I can’t recommend it enough!”
– Aubrie G.

“13 Moons teaches you that the values and beliefs you have always held in your bones are real. These teachers will give you ways to move the bullshit that isn’t yours out of the way to allow for those sacred wholesome ways of living to emerge. This journey will help you connect to your true self. It will provide medicines and resources that will help carry you with through the broken world with strength and resiliency. It will help you love yourself in the ways that the world has not, validate your emotions instead of stuffing them away, and help you to understand them as gifts, sacred gifts, that may be your true way of being in the world.”
– Kate B.

“13 Moons moved me completely out of my comfort zone which cracked my shell open exponentially. It gave me so much opportunity to uncover and share my truth, peel back the layers and masks to reveal my authentic self and step into my sovereignty. This journey helped me clear away the rubble and realize I am not a broken human, I’m just living in a broken world.”
– 2021 Participant

“This is a rite of passage into divine purpose. In order to step into our purpose and our power we need the intimate support of community because what we set out to do in this world is truly cutting edge. It is pushing culture and consciousness forward in really important ways and it is also challenging work that we need to be supported in by sisterhood. It is a profoundly healing space, and you will find places in yourself that need to be healed and learn how to become whole again, as a practice. You will learn sovereignty, and by that I mean you will learn how to hold yourself through life, and be held by spirit. Through this journey you will learn how to listen more deeply to Mama Earth and to dream with her in harmony and commitment.”
– Rebecca M.