How does one shape words to attempt to describe what they hold so dear?
This is the poet’s art and practice.
It is the tears of the heart that provide ink for the pen.
These are some words to try and convey my passion for the circles I am immersed in. These circles cast that take us into the subconscious, into soul, into mystery, into the liminal, into the cauldrons of imagination and evolution.
Who is seeking these deep and luminous reflecting pools?
We can stay in the day world doings and live a perfectly fine life getting our mystical fix with the occasional plant medicine.
Or we can seek to walk a more daily rhythm of allowing the dark to inform the light,
Allowing our dreams and deeper longings to begin making their way into the day,
Opening the channels between subconscious and conscious,
Allowing our soul to share the reins with day woman, day man.
How might our lives enrichen when we plumb the depths of our midnight dreams?
To see the numinous in our lives and recognize how Mystery has indeed been shaping us all along?
To allow our soul to spin our thread of longing and wisdom, and weave that thread into council with the sacred others?
To listen together as if Earth herself was teaching us how she wants us to move and live upon Her, now, in these times. She is.
We are social beings, story beings, soul beings.
And it is through ceremonies, drum and fire under the stars,
Speaking tears of heart into the ears of our human and more than human family,
Coming home to the forest and remembering how to engage with the spirit of all beings,
And dancing together the joy of our release from soul numbing isolation,
that weaves us back into the Earth community, that fills our heart with true joy.
We are MEANT to braid our soul journeys with others!
This is how we find our place in the mythic world- by seeing our unique gifts in the moon mirrors of our beloveds.
I hold so dear the weaving of circles, the honoring of true life, of seeing the beauty of humans when in their natural environment of soul-centric earth based culture.