Una Gallagher


Una Gallagher

Una is a daughter of the Earth and a child of the universe who grew up on the East coast, traveled the world, lived for decades in the redwood forest of central California and now resides in the green hills of Vermont. Her life is simple and shared with her beloved partner of 40+ years and her 6 grand-children.

Always feeling a deep connection to the natural world from her youthful days, and not ever in resonance with attaching a label to who she was, she simply considered herself a daughter of the earth. Una has been a practicing witch for well over 40+ years. Having read a book in her early 20’s, by Rae Beth, ‘The Hedge Witches Way’ she realized she perhaps was a Witch. This began her journey of self discovery into the realms of Spirit and rightful living. She has worked as a Solitary Witch, as well as in Coven settings over the years. She is an initiated High Priestess in the Gardnerian tradition, as well as a Fairy initiate. She has practiced within some other Pagan traditions over time. She has earned initiation as a Priestess of ‘The Inner Temples Convocation’, a tradition with its lineage sourced in Russia, brought to France, then British Isles, to North America.
“It is important to discover who one is from deep within our humanity, our feminine empowerment is totally birthed from our understandings and daily practices of our connections to the natural world. I stand in service to this world and all the daughters of the earth.” – Una

Una is considered a ceremonialist, ritualist, artist and craftswoman, focusing on creating sacred tools and implements for prayer, healing and other spiritual work. Her passions are also directed toward creating and maintaining altars and home sanctuaries.

Since 2002 she has facilitated many magical workshops, fire circles, woman’s empowerment programs and rites of passages.  She was offered and accepted the responsibility of becoming a pipe carrier by her elder in the first nations tradition of the Martin Clan of the Anishinabeq people around 5 years ago.  This pipe is carried in service for all the People.


“May this life that is called ‘mine’, be in service to my true mother, the earth and all her children.” – Una


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